How do I check if my car battery is in tip top condition

Here at Childwall Fiveways Garage, we can test your car battery to check that it is in the best condition. This can help to keep you motoring safely, especially with the winter fast approaching. Your Car Battery should comfortably last between 4 – 5 years from new. After this period, old car batteries can become unreliable and potentially unsafe. It depends on how you use your car as to how long your battery will last. If you take your car on long journeys every time you leave the house, then your battery will last a lot longer than if you go on relatively short rides most days.

Modern car batteries come with warranties and usually state “maintenance free”. Despite this, you should still get your battery checked regularly and cleaned the battery terminals periodically. You can use specialist battery terminal cleaner to clean around the terminals. Firstly you should turn the car off and remove the leads from the battery. Do this by, undoing the clamps, negative(-) first and then positive(+). After this, clean around the terminals with the specialist terminal cleaner which you then clean of any excess with water. As modern day batteries are mostly sealed units, you do not have to top up any of the internal fluids. Just remember when you are reconnecting your car battery, it’s in reverse, positive(+) first and then negative(-).

How often should I check my Car Battery?

It is always advisable before the autumn/winter seasons to get your car battery checked, so as not to put your car in danger of failing by the side of the road leaving you stranded due to a weak car battery. Very often you get no warning that your car battery is in poor condition, one day it works, then the next it doesn’t. If you do notice any signs that your battery may be failing, hard to turn over the engine in the mornings, lights appear dimmed, radio unexpectedly cuts out intermittently, wipers sluggish etc. then this at least gives you time to get to our garage and have it replaced.

Call into Childwall Fiveways Auto Centre at Queens Drive, Fiveways roundabout Childwall, Liverpool for your free battery check. We can also help with any other motoring needs from your local garage.

We can also help to spread the cost of any unexpected garage bills for you here. This is with our fantastic new product called Pay Assist. This offers 0% Finance over three months, with no fees and no catch.

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